
Special Education

The main activity of MPVSS has been to provide special skill development training to children with mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities. They are provided special training in the areas of self care, social adaptive behaviour, functional academics, pre vocational and vocational training and recreation. Training is provided by special qualified educators in specialised classrooms through application of techniques. Balanced combinations of indoor and outdoor activities are used. They believe that repeated practical exposure is the key to their training. Art, craft, music, and dance are also used as medium of training and these create opportunities for their exposure and participation at different levels.

Therapeutic Intervention

Number of children and adults with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities and children with sensory impairments, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc come to centres of MPVSS for regular physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Their needs are fulfilled by MPVSS through well equipped physiotherapy and occupational therapy departments at its Manovikas Special School in Ujjain and Physiotherapy departments at Navjyoti Special School, Shajapur, Navjeevan Integrated Training Centre, Shujalpur and Udaan Integrated Training Centre, Agar.
Occupational Therapy helps children with ADHD, autism, behaviour problems, poor fine motor movements and poor sensory coordination to improve their skills and reduce defects attached to these problems. A well equipped occupational therapy centre is functioning at Manovikas Special School Ujjain. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy prove extremely useful also for early intervention in risky cases. It could prevent disability, improve the condition of the disabled and minimize or stabilize the impact of disability. Due to improvement in their condition children could become able to sit in the classrooms to take benefit of special training.

Government welfare schemes.

Efforts are made at all centres of MPVSS to connect maximum beneficiaries to different government welfare schemes. Parents of beneficiaries are motivated to take maximum advantage of these schemes such as social security pension, Sahayata Anudan Yojana of M.P. Govt., Scholarships, Niramaya Health Insurance, Railway Concession, I.Q. and disability certificate, income tax benefits, legal guardianship etc.

Vocational training.

Vocational training is imparted to developmentally disabled adults at Manovikas Special School, Ujjain and its Manovikas Vocational Training Centre and Manovikas Samarth Centre, Chandessary. The objective is to enable them live useful and productive life in future. The skills include computer training, making envelopes, rakhis, candles, files, decorative articles, artificial jewellery, phenol, washing powder etc., book binding, screen printing, knitting, and embroidery. Vocational training also requires application of special education techniques and direct practical exposure. At vocational training centre manual and semi automatic techniques are used.

Parental guidance and counselling.

Parents of persons with disabilities have very important role to play in the development and rehabilitation of their children. Therefore parents meetings, guidance and counselling programs are conducted at all centres of MPVSS. Meetings are held in groups or individually as per the need. Issues related to problems of the children, their needs, developmental training, vocational training and rehabilitation, welfare schemes etc. are discussed and information on matters of common interest and programs are regularly given to them.

Capacity enhancement workshops and refresher training programs for staff.

MPVSS always pays due attention to capacity enhancement of its staff and volunteers. Every year MPVSS conducts refresher training programs for its staff with the objective of reviewing the past performance and equipping them with proper up to date information, knowledge and techniques for future challenges. Special teachers of all centres of MPVSS participate. Previous years’ activities are evaluated and activities and strategies for the following year are discussed in the program.

Outreach program

The workers and staff members at all centres of MPVSS conduct field visits to the disability affected families for guidance, counselling, creating general awareness and to monitor how the family is looking after the child and carrying out training as per set standards by the organization, and other relevant purposes.

CWSN (Children with Special Needs) hostels under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

MPVSS is running a CWSN hostel Premjyoti at Khilchipur, Ujjain and another CWSN hostel Navjyoti at Shajapur under inclusive education program of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan of State Education Department. Both these hostels facilitate disabled students of remote areas of respective districts for their education along with non disabled students aged 6-14 years. They deal with disabilities namely visual disability, hearing disability and mental retardation along with other disabilities. In remote areas disabled students do not get educational facilities due to lack of proper infrastructure, trained teachers, etc. These children are called children with special needs (CWSN).
The CWSN hostels are continuously monitored by block, district and state education department. Observation visits are regularly conducted by the Departmental Officials. They observe the day to day functioning of the hostel and guide the management for better functioning.

Human Resource Development

Since 2004, MPVSS is running RCI recognised disability related distance education courses of different universities as their authorized study centre. MPVSS is recognized by RCI as well as M.P. Bhoj Open University, Bangalore University and IGNOU. The objective of running different education and training programs is to develop qualified manpower to work in the fields of education and rehabilitation of PwDs. Courses which have been conducted are B.Ed. SEDE, PGPD. APPLY NOW.

Respite care service

MPVSS is running a respite care home Manovikas Samarth Centre at Chandessary, Ujjain. It provides residential care facility to persons with developmental disabilities and also adequate training to them for independent living during their stay. It is a centre with short term and long term residential care facility. It also provides essential respite to the parents of such children in times of difficult family situations or some other important work which may make them unable to look after the child properly and give them sufficient time and care.